How to Manage Databases With Ease Using phpMyAdmin

By Akash
on 23-09-2023 07:21 AM

Managing SQL databases can be quite daunting if you’re a beginner. This is because databases like MySQL and MariaDB need you to be familiar with Structured Query Language (SQL). You also need to know how to use the MySQL shell, command line interface, and possibly a few other complex tools.If you’re not familiar with SQL and the command line, then the phpMyAdmin tool is for you. phpMyAdmin allows you to manage your MySQL and MariaDB databases even without knowing how to write SQL or use the command prompt.phpMyAdmin is a free and open-source database management tool. It provides a user interface that makes it easy for you to administer your database, even with little experience. To use the tool, you don’t need knowledge of SQL or the command prompt. You can achieve most tasks with a few clicks.The tool supports a wide variety of servers. But it’s often used with MySQL and MariaDB. It includes a SQL section inside which can execute SQL commands and databases. This feature is useful if you’re familiar with SQL and want more flexibility.XAMPP is basically the same. But it includes support for the Perl language and can run on any operating system. While they’re perfect for development, you should avoid using WAMPServer or XAMPP in production.You can download the WampServer software if you’re running Windows or download XAMPP otherwise. During the setup process for either of them, be sure to install phpMyAdmin in addition to MySQL, MariaDB, etc.