XAMPP for Windows8.2.4
XAMPP is an open-source web development application distributed by Apache Friends, offering an entire development stack in one package. XAMPP comes with Apache HTTP, MariaDB, and interpreters for PHP and Perl. This makes XAMPP a quick way to deploy web development solutions even on a localhost. This all-in-one package is a flexible solution for new developers or teams who need to test new products quickly.
XAMPP is a recursive acronym. The X identifies it as a cross-platform application. The rest of the letters identify the solutions provided in the package: Apache, MariaDB, PHP, and Perl.
XAMPP allows you to run a web server installation right on your Windows, Linux, or Mac desktop computer. You don’t need access to the internet to test web development products. This is the biggest advantage of a XAMPP server.XAMPP mainly provides a method for acquiring and updating to the latest version of all of its included tools. Most of the builds that XAMPP releases aren’t for XAMPP itself, but for its individual components.While it’s tempting to always update to the latest version of a platform, always remember to back up your server before you do. New updates may contain more bugs and issues than they solve, so always keep a backup handy so that you can revert to an earlier server image if needed.
Included in this package is the famous Apache server, and it’s one of the most common server platforms around. It’s open-source and kept up by contributions from developers around the world. The software is included in the package and is necessary for the proper operation of a server. You’ll need this in order for your website or application to communicate with users. Without this, you don’t have a website.